Friday, October 03, 2008

this is what i wish obama or biden would say the next time mccain or palin says "barack obama still won't admit the surge worked."



the surge worked.

so let's get out.

let's get out responsibly but quickly. let's get out making sure the iraqis can maintain their freedom, if they want it. but let's get out.

[shuts up. turns to moderator.]


dbonfitto said...

I'd rather have a moderator that cut the mic when the speaker is simply ignoring the question.

"This is my debate. When I ask you what your weaknesses as VP would be, you will answer me or I will be your kryptonite."

Tom, Tess's blog kicks your blog's ass.

tom said...

tess is a professional writer, after all . . .

i do think it's a shame that moderators give up so easily.

dbonfitto said...

Tina Turner would be the best moderator.

Two men enter. One man leaves.

tom said...

i had to look that up.

(my geek cred is not looking so good right now, is it?)

dbonfitto said...

The clock is ticking.
If you don't guide Ben to the Mad Max movies by the time he's twelve, he'll never survive in post-apocalyptic Australia and you will have been a bad father.